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If you need to take care of an elderly loved one, there are going to be certain things that you will want to watch out for. Many family members are concerned that their loved one will develop Alzheimer’s disease. Below we’ll discuss the early signs of Alzheimer’s so you’ll know what to look out for.

As our loved ones age, it is natural for us to worry about their health and well-being. One particular concern that often arises is the possibility of them developing Alzheimer’s disease, a form of dementia characterized by memory loss and cognitive decline.

While there is currently no cure for Alzheimer’s, early detection is crucial in managing the symptoms and providing the best possible care for our loved ones. Here are some early signs of Alzheimer’s that you can look out for as your parents and beloved seniors are moving unto their next stage of life. This could happen and while you can’t stop it, there are some signs that you and elder care providers should watch out for to be prepared for it.

Experiencing Memory Loss

Elder Care Bryn Mawr, PA: Alzheimer's and Seniors Elder Care Bryn Mawr, PA: Alzheimer’s and Seniors[/caption]

One of the first signs that you will want to look out for is memory loss. Everyone will forget something at some point in their life. However, that doesn’t mean they have Alzheimer’s disease. With that being said, when your loved one starts forgetting things on a regular basis, this could be a sign of Alzheimer’s disease.

You and elder care providers should keep track of your loved one’s memory loss – when they are forgetting things and what they are forgetting – and talk to their doctor about it.

This includes forgetting important dates or events, repeating stories or questions in a short period of time, and misplacing items. While occasional forgetfulness is normal, consistent memory lapses could be an indication of early stage Alzheimer’s.

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Difficulty with Familiar Tasks
Another red flag for Alzheimer’s is difficulty with familiar tasks or routines. This can include forgetting how to get home from a familiar place or struggling to follow a recipe they have used for years. This is due to the impairment of the brain’s ability to process and retain information.

Tasks that were once simple and routine may become increasingly challenging for individuals with Alzheimer’s. This could include dressing themselves, managing finances, or even brushing their teeth. As the disease progresses, daily tasks can become overwhelming and require assistance.

Isolating Oneself

Has your elderly loved one been isolating themselves from hobbies they once enjoyed, social activities they used to attend, and family events or gatherings? If so, they might be embarrassed because they aren’t able to remember certain people’s names or they might not be able to carry out a conversation. It feels more comfortable for them to just stay home.

Becoming Paranoid

Is your elderly loved one becoming paranoid? This is one of the signs of Alzheimer’s disease. Your loved one might believe that their family members steal things from them. If your elderly loved one is becoming extremely paranoid, it might be time to take them to their doctor for an assessment.

Changes in Hygiene and Lifestyle

If your elderly loved one is no longer taking care of their hygiene, this could be a sign of Alzheimer’s disease. Taking care of their own hygiene may seem like a struggle. They might be afraid they will fall in the shower or they might have become afraid of the water. There are many reasons why changes in hygiene happen for those who have Alzheimer’s disease. If you do notice this, you or elder care providers should help your loved one with their hygiene.

Individuals with Alzheimer’s may lose their once active and independent lifestyle. They may become uninterested in hobbies or activities they used to enjoy and require more prompting to participate in daily tasks. This can lead to a decrease in physical activity, further impacting overall health.

Misplacing Things or Confusion with Time and Place

Has your elderly loved one been misplacing things? Do they sit something down and almost instantly forget where they put it? They might have done this with the television remote, the house phone, house keys, or something else.

People with Alzheimer’s may also have difficulty keeping track of time and place. They may lose track of dates, seasons, and even where they are or how they got there. You may notice them frequently asking for the date or becoming disoriented in familiar surroundings.

Personality Changes and Trouble in Communication

Your elderly loved one might start experiencing personality changes, too. They might become aggressive, agitated, and have major mood swings. While there could be many causes for this, one of those might be Alzheimer’s disease.

As Alzheimer’s progresses, individuals may have trouble finding the right words to express themselves. They may struggle with vocabulary and often repeat themselves. This can lead to frustration and social withdrawal as communication becomes more challenging.

These are some of the early warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease that you should look out for in your elderly loved one. If you notice these signs, be sure to talk to their doctor about it right away.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering Elder Care in Philadelphia, PA please contact the caring staff at Correct Choice Home Care today at (267) 323-1700.


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Joshua Walker, MBA